The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 23 - Shit you can throw in beer!

Episode 23 of the podcast is a blast down the winding backroads of adjuncts and general beer additives, from citrus to cacao and everything in between. This is a good one, everyone is on form on this episode.

Thanks for listening, and please let us know what you think and what you want us to chat about. Leave us a message on the Facebook page or drop a comment on this post.

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 22 - Bitters

My apologies, this episode got forgotten, I thought I’d uploaded it, but clearly not. Time has not been my friend over the last few weeks, so here it is. Bitters. Us blathering about them for a while and banging on about how much we love them. Enjoy

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 17 - Porters & Stouts

A slightly shambolic (due to over consumption of Impy Stouts) discussion of Porters and Stouts, what are they, where did they come from and how can you brew them. Plus the triumphant return of el’duderino himself Tricky!

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 11 - The one with the Scottish Tricky.

Since my brother from another mother Tricky currently has a crotchfruit and house moving issue to resolve, I’ve recruited a guest cohost for this episode in Andy Lynch of The High Road Brewery channel on YouTube to come on and talk about the electric breweries we’ve built using craftbeerpi.

Tricky hasnt massaged this episode with his special blend of 11 herbs, spices and patchouli oil, but it still sounds good! Join us in the wonderful world of CraftBeerPi and building your own remote controlled electric brewery.

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 10 - Packaging Beer

I guess podcasts are like buses sometimes, you wait an age for one and two arrive close together 😉 this episode wraps up the all grain series by looking at packaging options bottles, barrels, kegs and everything in between. We talk about the pros and cons of each and the different options they provide process wise.

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 8 - The Boil

The next stage in our all grain process series takes us to the boil, we cover all the aspects related to sterilising, hop utilisation, hot and cold break, off flavours and more but you will probably remember this one more for the ‘Hedgehog incident!’………

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 7 - All Grain Process Series - Mashing

I slightly meandering journey through the process of mashing, we were both quite well oiled for this one so a few naughty words might have slipped out and the occasional rant but hopefully you will still enjoy it! In this episode we cover different types of mashing process, factors affecting mash performance and what we think is important to consider.

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 6 - Methods for homebrewing beer

A run through of the different ways you can brew beer at home from kits through to the different types of all grain brewing. A good one for beginners but some general info and discussion for more experienced brewers too. Cheers

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 5 - Water Chemistry

Strap in folks this is a long one! This episode we try and break down water chemistry to its key elements. We also review our first beermail from a listener and take another commercial break! P.s we have given up on trying to censor the pods as it basically takes to much time in editing, so please be aware the odd expletive might be present.

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 4.5 - Wash Your F*cking Hands

If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the information on Covid 19 in the news then maybe don’t listen to this one but we felt we had to have a chat about whats going on as its such a crazy and unprecedented event that is affecting all of us worldwide. Some of it is homebrewing related, a lot of it isn’t but we did this off the cuff and thats what we ended up with, please bear in mind we recorded this on the 17th of March and a lot of things have already changed drastically from that point. Most importantly look after yourselves and take the hint from the title!

p.s I did not edit out swearing in this episode, so not suitable for listening with children around.