Here at The Hop Addition we have decided to start a patreon, this will allow us to cover the costs of the podcast and hopefully move forwards to doing some amazing content for you guys!

If you want to contribute to the podcast and help us in our journey moving forwards, please join us as a patreon at The Hop Addition Podcast on Patreon

We love doing this and have some big plans going forwards, the details of which will be given as soon as everything is finalised, we want to give you guys the best content that we can, and your patreonage will contribute directly to the content we can supply you.

If you can , please contribute.


The Hop Addition Crew

So, the lockdown affects us all, massively. Covid-19 is having such a huge effect on many things, and at the same time its Easter so a lot of people, including myself and the Trickster are spending time with our families, as such the next episode has been recorded but the editing of it is taking a little while longer than expected. I realise there are a lot of people who will be looking for content to listen to, and things to watch to while away the time during this challenging time, so I’m gonna recommend everyone jumps over to YouTube and checks out Dudes Brews channel.

Should be sufficient to raise your brewing game to a new level and if you find the right videos, there is some funny stuff there too.

Check it out, and we’ll have the next episode to you as soon as we can.

A smooth creamy moreish stout with a velvety mouthfeel and a nice fruity finish from the London Ale yeast. This was based on the recipe from Brewing Classic Styles.

Batch size: 19 Litres
Brewhouse efficiency: 75%
OG: 1.058
FG: 1.015
IBUs: 35
EBC: 68
ABV: 5.7%


3.45 kg Maris Otter
0.50 kg Oats (Toasted)
0.25 kg Golden Naked Oats
0.22 kg Biscuit Malt
0.22 kg Chocolate Malt
0.17 kg Cara 75
0.17 kg Roasted Barley

Mash @ 67c for 60m


40g EKG 60 minutes


Wyeast 1318 London Ale 3

Ferment at 19c for 2 week

What are they?

A closed transfer is a transfer of beer from the fermenter (primary or secondary) to the serving or aging vessel via a closed circuit avoiding oxygen during the transfer. Closed transfers are used as oxygenated beer isnt nice. It takes on an overly sweet and darker character which isnt great in all beers.

My closed transfer system is pretty standard, check the video below.

Apologies for the poor camera work, but you’ll get the idea.

One important thing to remember when using this system is to monitor the volume transferred, especially if using the spunding valve, as they really don’t like having liquid in them. With a standard Cornelius keg, I tend to stop after 18.5L to be safe, but if you get one of the newer valves from kegland, they can be used for liquid or gas, so if you mess up its not the end of the world, a quick rinse and you should be good.

Lemme know any comments below, any tips to improve or anything you think I could do differently.

So December just gone myself and the (much) better half celebrated our first wedding anniversary and being the romantic sort I decided to spend half the day hiding in the shed brewing! Not to worry I’m not a complete bastard she was at work during this time and the beer being brewed was her favourite style, a Hefeweizen, so it actually was a romantic gesture! Anyway my aim was a fairly traditional hefe with a slight twist in the form of some Summer hops from Australia to add a little fruity lift to the aroma and flavour. Summer seemed like a good option as they are quite mild compared to more pungent new world hops like Galaxy or Nelson and also have Noble heritage being a derivative of Czech Saaz so in theory would work well blended with the more traditional Tettnang hops that I was using without overpowering them and turning it into an American Wheat.

I like my wheat beers to have a decent body to them so in the grain bill I used some Pale Ale Malt, Munich and a dash of Melanoidin in addition to roughly 50% Pale Wheat, this also helped bring the colour up to a slightly more golden yellow hue. Yeast was an easy choice with the Mangrove Jacks M20 being my go to, I haven’t tried many different hefe yeasts and would like to explore the liquid options but out of the dry ones I have used this one has never failed me so in it went. The finished beer came out really well and the wife is happily ploughing through it! I also got some good feedback from Chris whose review I have included below (just incase you’re not convinced by Mrs Dudes endorsement!). So heres the full recipe and video…

Anniversary Wheat (Summer Hefeweizen)

Batch size: 20 Litres
Brewhouse efficiency: 78%
OG: 1.056
FG: 1.015
IBUs: 21
EBC: 11
ABV: 5.4%


2.25 kg Pale Wheat Malt
1.74 kg Pale Ale Malt
0.47 kg Munich Malt
0.15 kg Melanoidin


15g Tettnang FWH
15g Summer at 30 minutes
25g Summer at 5 minutes
10g Tettnang at 5 minutes


Mangrove Jacks M20

Mash at 66c

Ferment at 24c

This was my take on the Founders KBS clone, it was a mighty long brewday and one of the messiest beers I have done so far but it was a good experience to dip my toe into the Imperial beer pond and hopefully the results will be worth the effort!

My recipe was fairly true to the original on the AHA website but with some substitutions for grain and hops, I also went slightly higher with the target OG at 1.096, in the end it came out at 1.098 but a touch under volume, I could have liquored back to target but I couldn’t be arsed so left it as it was. The wort tasted like a chocolate coffee pudding and was very thick and syrupy, once the bourbon is added this one should be pushing past 10% ABV! Cant wait to try it and to compare the brews from Jamie and Chris

Watch how the brew went here and see me try to give some useful info on brewing big beers as well!

Late last year, the winter nights were drawing in, tastes were moving away from those light, hoppy, BBQ slammer pale ales.  Dark beers enter the fray, winter brewing starts getting planned after 6 months away from brewing due to a nightmare-ish house purchase, then… from the timeless void of space… Beerhawk had a sale… shit.!  Beer tokens were earned from homebrew equipment, extra tokens earned from writing reviews of the aforementioned equipment… lots of beer tokens in the account to be spent on… well, beer obviously.

Much perusal and sampling later, Founder’s KBS makes its way into the glass.  A big, scary, 11%, bourbon barrel-aged, Imperial breakfast stout from probably my favourite brewery; Founder’s Brewing from Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Wow.  This beer is a revelation.  If you have shied away from beers as big as this, then KBS is the beer to change your mind.  Big, smooth chocolate and bitter coffee flavours, with those bourbon notes from the barrels and a boozy, but not burning finish.  This stuff is amazing, how can I copy it?

Luckily, Google came up with loads of information on it and the American Homebrewers Association has a recipe that apparently comes from the brewer himself, a gentleman by the name of Jeremy Kosmicki, result… cheers Jez.!

As always with American Recipes, I never stick to them exactly.  I round quantities up and down to get to the kind of quantities that I use.  After all, who wants to get stuck with 27 grams of Black Malt left or 78 grams of Munich at the end of a brew?  All daft quantities that you’d end up using, just to get rid of them.  So, 458g becomes 500g, 28g becomes 30g and so on.  I also swapped a few ingredients for ones I had in, or could easily get, or just preferred… so I swapped a portion of the roasted grains for some of the debittered/dehusked ones, as I don’t like them too burnt and acrid tasting.  After much titting about, I came up with this:

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This batch was brewed using the 30 minute mash and boil method doing a 10L BIAB on the stovetop. It worked out really well and didn’t have any of the issues that some might expect from cutting time off the mash and boil length, check out the review at the end where I compare this and Jamies brew using the same method.

Batch size: 10 Litres

Brewhouse efficiency: 72%
OG: 1.052
FG: 1.010
IBUs: 39
ABV: 5.6%
EBC: 13.2


2.1 kg Pale Malt
0.14 kg Crystal 40L
0.08 kg CaraPils


10g Challenger at 30 minutes
8g Magnum at 30 minutes
10g Cascade at 10 minutes
30g Cascade at 0 minutes

20g Cascade Dry Hop 5 Days


Crossmyloof US Pale Ale

Mash at 65c

Ferment at 19c

A pretty standard Kolsch recipe but with Wakatu hops (which isn’t actually all that ‘wacky’ as they are a hallertau variety!). This is a lovely refreshing lager like beer that is perfect served cold on a hot day, being a Kolsch you don’t need to ferment at cold temps either so a much quicker and simpler process than traditional lager methods. It will benefit from a couple of weeks lagering in the bottle/keg though.

Batch size: 20 Litres

Brewhouse efficiency: 82%
OG: 1.047
FG: 1.009
IBUs: 30
ABV: 4.9%
EBC: 7.2


3.2 kg Pilsner Malt
0.4 kg Munich
0.1 kg CaraHell (Caramalt)


30g Wakatu at 60 minutes
30g Wakatu at 5 minutes
10g Tettnang at 5 minutes


Crossmyloof Kolsch

Mash at 65c

Ferment at 17c

This one was reviewed by Rusty Homebrew, check out the video below, he seemed to like it!