My Very Basic Apricot Melomel Recipe
So, after reading the book on mead from the geezer at work, I decided to take the plunge and get straight in to a very basic apricot melomel.
For those who don’t know, a melomel is a mead flavoured with fruit. I wanted something sweet as dry drinks generally don’t do it for me, so I did this…
- 1.5kg Honey
- handful of Raisins
- top off to 4.5L with water (My tap water is really good)
- shake like hell to get it all dissolved
- Add MJ05 mead yeast
- Wait a day for fermentation to start
- chop up a load of dried apricots (Approx 200g for me) and add to the DJ.
- Wait.
Seems to have done the job as its bubbling away and doing its thing happily in the kitchen. I’m gonna leave it for 3 weeks then decant off the must into another DJ, then top up with water and repeat the decanting every month or so until its crystal clear (Approx 7-9 months). Cheeky Snifters can be had after approx 1 month, but like all wines, time is your friend… apparently.
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