So, I went to a beer festival (the Magna Real Ale Festival in Sheffield) last saturday and ended up having a couple of pints of Why kick a Moo Cow by Arbor Ales, a very nice pint with a wonderful fruity twist and a good hoppy flavour, while avoiding my personal gripe of making them too bitter.

I tried to replicate a version of this, aimed for the right colour, had the correct hops and did a quick blast with some fairly neutral yeast but it just hasnt started bubbling yet. No Krausen, no activity of any kind…


I’ve pitched the only yeast I had in stock (Mental note, order more…) which was a Belgian weiss yeast, and I’m hoping this will pull it through.

Have you ever had one just not start? I havent changed a thing in my process, and the starting gravity was on point with what was expected (1.050) so I’m a little concerned that something may be wrong with my sanitation and sterilisation routine for this one…

Heres hoping the yeasties pull one back and this beer comes to fruition…


Those of you who know me, know that I ramble. My brain is working far too quick for my mouth to keep up sometimes.

I decided to utilise this and start doing some video blogs on YouTube. Just me rambling about something to do with brewing. I’m hoping that once I get the PC sorted in the shed and a decent network link, I’ll be able to have people skype in and we can do some serious podcasting and Vlogging down there.

In the meantime, check out my channel on YouTube and enjoy the ramblings of ElChemist. Please leave comments below, or on the Digital Media forum and we’ll answer them as soon as we can!

Yeah, I know, looks crap, but I’m still working on it! Not easy when you’re daddy daycare most evenings…


Finally managed to kick the forum software into life and finally have it working. Feel free to check it out, post and let me know what you think!

I’ve also changed the layout and theme to get a more rich and immersive experience.

Let the good times roll!


The ElChemCast is now available on SoundCloud.

Check it out for regular discussion and thoughts on brewing and the brewing world, with some other banter and thoughts as well.

It may sound like the ramblings of a madman, and honestly it probably is, but I try to cover the bases and hopefully provide some nugget of information for you to enhance, explain or just plain entertain your brewing experience.

Enjoy, and leave any comments you have below.