The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 39 - The 2021 Hop Addition Awards Show and Q & A

A bit of a marathon episode where we reflect on some of the homebrew highlights of 2021 and answer your questions (or try to at least!) Cheers

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 38 with Matt Curtis

Matt Curtis is an author, blogger, and beer lover who is the author of Modern British Beer and Pellicle Magazine. He joins us for a jaunt through the world of Modern British Beer. We talk about where it came from, and where its going. Its also probably the quietist you’ll ever hear the 4 of us. Great talking to Matt, he’s welcome back when his next book is written, that is for sure.

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 37 - Plans for the year!

In episode 37, due to dry january and covid Owen and Chris discuss their plans for the year, and have a few beers. A non-scripted meander through many topics and beers we’re gonna brew and Owen declares his need for a brewing calendar and almost gets kicked off the podcast…

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 35 - How to cock up a brewday!

This episode has been on the cards for a while, its all the ways to cock up a brewday, how to screw it before you start, when you package and all the steps in between.


The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 34 - Brewing Social Media

Join us for a review of of the homebrewing social media scene, our own experiences creating content, channels we follow as well as some tips on starting your own.

P.s if you are wondering about the missing episodes we were not able to upload these due to technical difficulties with the recording software, however you can still catch up with the unedited live versions via the Youtube Channel:

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Commercial Pod, Episode 3

Like buses, when you havent had one for a while, 2 episodes turn up in 3 minutes…

Owen and Chris review another couple of beers and shoot the breeze about life in general. 2 beers this time cos it was a Saturday and we could!

Hope you enjoy the new podcast, we’ll be back with a full lengther when we can get the 4 of us together. Term start time is a bit of a nightmare tbh, so hopefully it should be soon!

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
The Commercial Pod - Episode 2

FInally got some time to edit and upload these 2. Episode 1 was lost due to the issues we’ve been having with the software we’ve been using, but it looks to be sorted now, so heres a short one to whet your appetite for the next ones coming your way.

Chris and Owen review a commercial beer each, it was late on a thursday so just a quick one, it was a school night after all, hopefully this should get you in the mood for the next one coming in about 20 mine time.


The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 29 - Recipe Development

Owen went on holiday for this one, so we needed someone with as sexy a voice, and as good a knowledge of beer, so we subbed in Chris Harrison-Hawkes AKA Harrybrew for a pod. This one should give you an insight into the world of commercial and homebrew recipe development, and how you can hone a recipe in to give you what you want.

The Hop Addition
The Hop Addition
Episode 28 - The state of the Union

Time flies when you’re having fun doing all these podcasts, and we just wanted to sit down and discuss where our brewing was at, and the new things on the market were as well.

We also do the draw for the Boel iTap giveaway and make Andy B a very happy man.

Thanks once again to Boel for the giveaway, and if you’re enjoying the podcast, check out the website for a donate button to buy us a beer.