Dr Smurtos Golden Ale
This is a Pale Ale recipe from Australia although style wise its more of a British Golden/Pale Ale or Bitter, then again its also got American hops in so maybe its not worth trying to categorise at all! Anyway its very popular and rates extremely highly on the beersmith recipe database. I have made this as a partial mash and all grain and it’s been great both times.
Batch size: 23 Litres
Brewhouse efficiency: 80%
OG: 1.046
FG: 1.010
IBUs: 35
ABV: 4.7%
2.44 kg Pilsner Malt
0.8 kg Wheat Malt
0.8 kg Munich Malt
0.24 kg Weyermann CaraMunich II
20g Amarillo at 60 minutes
26g Amarillo at 20 minutes
26g Amarillo at 0 minutes
US05 or consider an English strain for a more estery character
Mash at 66c
Ferment at 20c
Gotta admit, I do like the look of that bad boy. Might have to scale that down to 10L and give it a shot. Looks like it’ll give a very nice balanced flavour…
Balanced is exactly how I would describe it, malty but not too sweet, moderate bitterness and a good hop flavour without dominating the overall character.
Dr Smurtos….. why am I surprised this has showed up here. From my home town, down here. A legend that pre-dates the hop forward crafty thingo