Galaxy Steam Beer
This was another experimental brew that I did using the 30/30 method. It is still conditioning so not sure how it will turn out but taste tests at bottling were looking good (although I don’t think I would use dark crystal again, I had to sub this in as I didn’t have any 60-80L). Apparently you aren’t supposed to use big fruity hops in steam beers but hey rules are there to be broken right! Northern Brewer is the standard hop for this but I didn’t have any and Northdown is related apparently.
Batch size: 10 Litres
Brewhouse efficiency: 72%
OG: 1.050
FG: 1.010
IBUs: 38
EBC: 21
ABV: 5.2%
1.9 kg Pale Malt
0.1 kg Crystal 120L
0.1 kg Biscuit Malt
0.1 kg Honey Malt
20g Northdown at 30 minutes
15g Northdown at 15 minutes
20g Galaxy at 0 minutes
30g Galaxy Dry Hop 3 days
Crossmyloof California Common
Ferment at 18c
Mash at 66c
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